Monthly Archives: November 2020

Getting Fortiswitch interface statistics

I am more impressed with Fortiswitches every time I work with them. The ability to implement light NAC features, INTRAvlan firewall policies and overall management really gives these switches a feature set to checkout when deciding on new switches.

Below are the steps to quickly get the interface stats such as errors/packets, etc. The commands are ran on the Fortigate, which in this case is controlling the Fortiswitch.

Drop into CLI on the FGT and check what switches are connected by running the command

get switch-controller managed-switch

This command will bring back the names of the manged switches. Locate the switch you want to check the port stats on. For example, we will use the name “FS1D24T419001174”

the command to get the stats are:

diag switch-controller switch-info port-stats FS1D24T419001174 port1

The output is in the image below:

using the top level command diag switch-controller switch-info you can also get LLDP, Power, and lots more info of the managed switch.